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Elizabethtown Middle School Parent Compact 2020-2021 (English)

A School-Parent Compact for Achievement is an agreement that parents, students, and teachers develop together. It explains how parents and teachers will work together to make sure all our students reach or exceed grade-level standards.

2020-2021 ETMS Parent Compact and Title 1.pdf 

Pacto Para Logros Escuela y Padres 2020-2021

Un pacto entre la escuela y los padres, un acuerdo que los padres, estudiantes y maestros desarrollan juntos. Explica cómo los padres y los maestros trabajan juntos para asegurarse de que todos nuestros estudiantes alcancen o superen los estándares del nivel de grado.

Spanish 2020-2021 ETMS Parent Compact and Title I.pdf 

Elizabethtown Middle School Family Engagement Policy 2020-2021 (English and Spanish)

The administration, teachers, staff and families of Elizabethtown Middle School believe that the improved academic achievement of each student is a responsibility shared by the entire school community. This includes the district, school, community members, administration, staff, students, and families. Please see the attached policy regarding our family engagement mission and goals.

Family Engagement Policy 2020-2021.pdf